3 Must-Have Songs for Mother's Day

3 Must-Have Songs for Mothers Day 640x361
In Proverbs 31, we read, "She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue... Her children rise up and call her blessed." Mothers are so important. They gave us life; more than just birth... but life! They teach us, they nurture us, they protect us, they encourage us, they give of themselves, and they love us beyond words. Mother's Day is a very special day, and our mothers deserve to be honored and celebrated for the gift that they are.

In this special feature, we'll highlight three beautiful and easy-to-learn songs that are perfect for special performance on this Mother's Day. Every year, we celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday, and the following songs are perfect for this special occasion as we give thanks to the Lord for our mothers and honor them for what they mean to us. We wouldn't be here without them, so let's give thanks to them, and give thanks to God for them!

With arrangements by Dave Williamson, Tom Fettke, and Kyle Hill, you'll find just the perfect song to honor the mothers in your church on this very special occasion. Take a few minutes to preview the following songs and consider adding them to your worship services this Mother's Day!

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Far Above RichesSATB (EASY)
Far Above Riches
Arranged by Ton Fettke
Tom Fettke's impassioned four-part arrangement of Proverbs 31 is perfect for Mother's Day or any other setting that celebrates biblical womanhood.

If I Could Be AnyoneSOLO (EASY)
If I Could Be Anyone
Arranged by Kyle Hill
A heartfelt solo piece that would work well for a wedding, anniversary, Mother's or Father's day, or special service celebrating someone greatly admired.

You Call Me Yours3-PART/SSA (EASY)
You Call Me Yours
Arranged by Dave Williamson
Recorded by Sandi Patty, this tender solo celebrates the way that God sees us. Despite our imperfections, he calls us beautiful, righteous, and holy. He calls us worthy, forgiven, and pure. Appropriate for Mother's Day or even wedding ceremonies, this precious ballad emphasizes biblical womanhood.

Posted in: Blended Worship, Service Planning, Mother's Day

Jaymey Hardin

Jaymey Hardin

Jaymey Hardin has been a noteworthy leader in the Contemporary Christian Music market for more than 20 years. Known for his work in marketing, product development, and A&R, he is also credited for his contributions as a videographer and musician. He is the son of a preacher man and has a heart for the church. He and his wife, Lindsay live in Franklin, TN, and are expecting their very first... dog.

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