Discover Worship - Church Choir Resources

3 Thoughts on Growing Your Choir

Written by Regi Stone | Dec 3, 2013 6:00:00 AM

When we think about growing our choir we most often think of a larger number of people. However, I'd like to suggest three other ideas on how to grow your church choir.

1. Learning new songs is a great way to grow your church choir's excitement. Have you noticed an increase in number as you're preparing for Christmas? It's a festive time of year and there is new music to be learned. It's part of what makes people excited to get in on the action. Obviously this doesn't mean learning 2 new songs every week, but teaching new anthems or worship songs keeps rehearsal exciting.

2. Encouraging personal growth is a must as it helps everyone get on the same page and makes more effective leaders of worship. Include a scripture to start rehearsal and encourage everyone to make this part of their day to day. Start a private Facebook page and post encouraging thoughts for every day. Or come up with other encouraging ways to get people plugged in. When a choir commits to a personal and growing relationship with Christ it has a powerful impact on growing your choir in ways that a few more people can't.

3. Encouraging prayer among your choir members is an incredible way to watch growth and community happen. It's difficult to explain but when people start praying for each other something sort of magical happens. Suddenly skipping choir rehearsal is more difficult because there is a greater excitement about seeing the person they have been praying for. You may consider offering this time 1/2 way through your rehearsal or a few minutes before you close. Try this: 15 minutes before you end rehearsal give them 10 minutes to connect with someone across the room (soprano with alto) (tenor with bass) and then close your rehearsal with a song of worship. It will help make for a wonderful rehearsal and keep people wanting to come back.

If you'll try following these simple steps you just may notice growth taking place that will eventually lead to more people.