Discover Worship - Church Choir Resources

5 Tools to Help with Ministry Management

Written by Vince Wilcox | May 12, 2014 5:00:00 AM

Those of us in ministry often love the devotional and worship aspects of our roles, but may be challenged by the management responsibilities involved. Managing limited resources, difficult people and daunting deadlines can take the joy out of ministry.

But what if God is using today’s challenges to increase our capacity to be more effective with tomorrow’s opportunities?

Jesus tells a parable about the significance of stewardship. Three managers are given different gifts (talents) to invest and each one is expected to bring back more than he was given. Two stewards are successful, and to each their master replies, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:14-29)

The effective managers were not only commended and rewarded, they also experienced the joy of their Lord. Contrast the promise of joy with the anxiety that accompanies poor management. Which will you choose?

Here are 5 “D’s” to help you increase your capacity to effectively manage people and priorities:

  • DO IT: Some tasks are so central to your mission that you should immediately add them to your “to do” list and allocate the time and resources necessary to accomplish them.

  • DELEGATE: If you have the luxury of paid staff, make sure you clearly communicate your expectations as well as when you will “inspect” their progress. If you have volunteer staff, share with them how their help will benefit the mission--then “expect” and “inspect.”

  • DELAY: Sometimes, the idea is great, but the timing’s off. Keep great ideas simmering on the back burner till the time is right.

  • DENY: Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. We’ve all heard that “the good is the enemy of the best,” so determine if the task is truly worthy of the time and energy required to implement it. Kindly saying “no” may be the wiser choice.

  • DISCERN: And above and before anything, seek godly counsel and the Lord’s guidance as you make management choices.

Look toward God’s great “Well done!” as you face the challenges and opportunities of today.

 --For more practical articles on leadership for choir directors and worship leaders, go to