Discover Worship - Church Choir Resources

10 Weekday Tips for your Worship Team

Written by Marty Parks | Apr 28, 2014 5:00:00 AM

Developing a sense of worship ministry “ownership” among your choir and worship team members is not just for Sundays! Challenge your choir or worship team members to deepen their own understanding of their unique role by considering the following team building opportunities during the week:

  1. “Adopt” a new choir member and get to know them well. Contact them when they're absent and let them know you care so newcomers don’t fall through the cracks.

  2. Use Sunday's choir anthem text in your personal daily devotions. Singing from your heart is always more effective than reading from a page.

  3. Become a music detective … find all those sneaky people with buried or rusty musical talent … recruit 'em! Some folks are just waiting to be asked.

  4. Mark your music carefully with notes from rehearsal – don't assume you'll remember – then do what you marked. Take note of dynamics, repeats, phrasings, even scripture references or allusions.

  5. Don't wait until Sunday's pre-service run through to warm up your voice. Sing in the shower, the car, whatever! Both physical and spiritual preparation are important.

  6. Remind yourself regularly that you are a minister within a ministry. Enter the choir loft or stage area with that attitude, as well as with joy and reverence.

  7. If you must be absent from rehearsal or worship, notify someone … don't ever “just not show up.”  And remember: most choir anthems are rehearsed well in advance, so a rehearsal absence doesn't mean you must skip Sunday!

  8. Accept yourself where you are – musically and spiritually – but don't stay there.

  9. Write a note of thanks to your accompanist(s).

  10. Take your choir director to lunch. :)

--For additional resources on team building for worship leaders, check out more blogs at