Discover Worship - Church Choir Resources

A Prayer for Lead Worshippers

Written by Vince Wilcox | Jul 7, 2014 5:00:00 AM

Lord, prepare me to lead Your people in worship.
Search my heart and steal any glory that I may be tempted to keep for myself.
Likewise, be strong in my weakness and evident in my humility.

Prepare the hearts of others who will lead and those who will be led.
Strengthen the voices of those who sing and the hands of those who play.
Help me minister to those I lead in ministry.
Teach me to wash their feet, bind their wounds and share their joy.

Make me more sensitive to Your Spirit’s leading
so that I may move as You more, no less.

Astonish me with the truth that You created us for this very purpose.
You made our lips for song and our language for praise.
You redeemed us so that we might exalt You.

...Your Name.
...Your Kingdom.
...Your power.
...Your glory.

So delight Yourself in us as we delight in You.
Sing over us as we sing before you.
May our congregation become the choir and You become our audience.
Let our joyful noise bring You joy.


--For more practical articles on leadership for choir directors and worship leaders, go to