Looking FOURward: January

Hey, you made it! Through the holidays, that is. It's time for new beginnings, a clean slate and a fresh start. Let's dig in!

Here are 4 priorities for January:

  1. It's a new year! Find 12 hymns or worship songs that are new to your congregation. Plan ways to introduce them and incorporate them into the worship life of your congregation.
  2. Distribute your January – March schedule of anthems, solos, etc.
  3. Begin the selection process for your Lent and Easter music. Is Easter early or late this year? Plan accordingly!
  4. Discuss with your pastor his or her vision for the new year. How might you work together to see this through? How might worship services reflect this vision?

Maybe this is the year you'll undertake a new system of Bible study, or a new commitment to God's Word … maybe even reading it through in the next 12 months. Whatever investment you can make, let's all agree to devote ourselves to the priority of scripture this year. Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. (Proverbs 30:5)

Posted in: Looking FOURward

Marty Parks

Marty Parks

Marty Parks is a composer, arranger, orchestrator and producer with over 900 songs and arrangements in print. His work is represented by major choral print publishers around the country. He is a frequent conference leader and workshop speaker whose first devotional book, Quiet Moments for Worship Leaders, came out of his own experience in reflecting on the word of God, and out of his passion to see the same developed in others. His work, as well as current projects, activities and appearances, can be found at martyparks.com.

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