92% or 8%?

Have you made any resolutions for this year? Millions of people write down plans every January they hope to follow but statistics show that 92% don't follow through. What does this have to do with music? Worship? You? As a leader of your music ministry, it's important to have a plan. There's new music to review. Weekly rehearsals.  Weekend services. Scheduling musicians. You get the point! But often the business of our day and unexpected circumstances can easily get us off track. It's easy to find ourselves floundering and spinning our wheels. If you've been there before, you know it's difficult to lead when you're stuck.

Stuck never gets the same result as passion.

So, how do you get unstuck and develop a plan? It's not probable that one article will cause you to become passionate about leading or developing a plan. However, if we begin to recognize the importance of worship in our life and those we lead, that's just the start we need. So, here's my encouragement. Take time this week to find a quiet place. Bring a pen and paper and write down what you love about your calling. Write down what you enjoy about leading your team, choir, etc. Include a few short term goals like new songs to teach, scripture passages to share during your weekly rehearsal. This is a great way to get your thoughts out of your mind and down on paper. Your plans don't have to be an over the top, blow your mind, type of a plan. It can be really simple. Most often, when we plan TOO big we find ourselves back in the 92%. Most important, make a commitment to find your way to God's presence every day. Fill your heart and mind with His word. Choose to be one of the 8% by following through and there's a great chance you'll have a great year. 

Posted in: Encouragement, Leadership

Regi Stone

Regi Stone

In addition to his involvement at Discover Worship, and writing songs, Regi spends a portion of each year encouraging worship ministries throughout the country. You can find out more about these events by visiting his website (registone.com). He and his family live in Florida.

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