Looking FOURward: May

There's nothing like the Church, is there? So many gifts to offer, so many stories to tell, so many lives that have been changed. We're in it together, you know. I love it when the Body of Christ is doing exactly what it was created to do … when it's “firing on all cylinders!”

Here are 4 priorities for May:

  1. Begin any plans you may have for patriotic-themed events you may be presenting. Coming up: Memorial Day, Flag Day and Independence Day.
  2. Encourage your congregation to write their own original hymn texts (to the tune of familiar hymns) and sing them in worship this month.
  3. May is National Photography Month. Create a pictorial directory of your worship ministry. If you include information and interests, it's amazing what you might learn about each other!
  4. Establish a network of local Music Ministers and Worship Leaders with whom you can meet regularly to share ideas and concerns.

This time of year we tend to turn our thoughts toward national holidays and celebrations of our freedom. I'm convinced that a love for God and a love for our country don't have to be mutually exclusive. When leaders lead in the fear of God, it's a beautiful thing. When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers, but a man of understanding and knowledge maintains order. (Proverbs 28:2)

Posted in: Looking FOURward

Marty Parks

Marty Parks

Marty Parks is a composer, arranger, orchestrator and producer with over 900 songs and arrangements in print. His work is represented by major choral print publishers around the country. He is a frequent conference leader and workshop speaker whose first devotional book, Quiet Moments for Worship Leaders, came out of his own experience in reflecting on the word of God, and out of his passion to see the same developed in others. His work, as well as current projects, activities and appearances, can be found at martyparks.com.

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