Building Your Foundation (Part 1)

It's pretty important that our music and worship ministries develop a strong scriptural foundation – a biblical basis – for what we do. It helps to discern 4 or 5 (maybe more!) significant passages that help us set goals, give us focus, define our purpose or vision, and act as filters for new ideas. Then, it's equally vital that we communicate these foundational scriptures often … over and over … and over.  As in – every chance we get, so that everyone involved is on the same page.

Here's one to get you kick-started:  All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16 NIV). God-breathed - “Theopneustos” in Greek. It's tempting to pick and choose favorite verses, and it's just as tempting to try to make them conform to what we'd like them to say. Let's agree that in developing our biblical basis for ministry, we'll consider the “full counsel of scripture.”

After all, the validity of any ministry lies in its adherence to the word of God.

Posted in: Encouragement, Music Ministry

Marty Parks

Marty Parks

Marty Parks is a composer, arranger, orchestrator and producer with over 900 songs and arrangements in print. His work is represented by major choral print publishers around the country. He is a frequent conference leader and workshop speaker whose first devotional book, Quiet Moments for Worship Leaders, came out of his own experience in reflecting on the word of God, and out of his passion to see the same developed in others. His work, as well as current projects, activities and appearances, can be found at

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