Discover Worship - Church Choir Resources

The Practice Of Worship

Written by Guest Authors | Feb 19, 2013 6:00:00 AM

“… true worshipers will worship in spirit (willingness and passion) and in truth (according to God’s commands)…”

We see something in the life of David that gives unique insight into the matter of worship. Out of an illicit affair with Bathsheba, a baby was born. It became immediately apparent that that the child was ill. A contrite and remorseful David fell on his face and pled for the child’s life. For seven days he fasted and prayed.

When the news of the baby’s death came to him, “He arose and washed his faced and went to the house of the Lord and worshiped.” (II Samuel 12: 20)  There is something we can learn here. The soul of worship is an attitude of complete submission to the will of God. He could have risen up in fury against God for His perceived deafness to those long hours of travail, but instead David took a shower, put on his dress clothes and went to the tabernacle to worship.

Worship is the acknowledgement of God’s sovereignty. In worship, we truly bow. We say, “God you are in charge”. We acquiesce to the truth that He is indeed Lord. We submit to His plan. We affirm that God is at the center of - my life, my church, my situation, the universe.

That’s what true worship is, and those who will be true worshipers will be found by God!

- Paul Russell