We gathered with a group of church friends last week to watch fireworks. What started out as a simple meeting at the stadium turned into an all-out tailgate cookout with 45 people! When it was time to say grace for the meal, I gathered everybody around and offered a simple reminder before the prayer.
Whether or not we agree with our current government or leadership, we live in a country where we are still free to gather. Tonight we are gathered to celebrate our national heritage, so let’s not forget that we have the freedom to meet together – as patriots, as friends, as Christians – without persecution. Let us be thankful for that privilege.
Secondly, and most important, we are here as believers tonight because Jesus has provided us spiritual freedom. Without that, this get-together would be about nothing but food and fireworks. Fellowship with Christian friends and forgiveness from sin makes life so much more special and offers us an eternal freedom like no other.