Discover Worship - Church Choir Resources

Meet Dan

Written by Dan Bursey | Sep 17, 2013 5:00:00 AM

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to quickly say how excited I am to be a part of what's happening here at!  I am assuming that because you are reading this, you are passionate about leading your church, and especially your kids, into God's presence through worship, and I am thrilled to be on this journey with you. 

As a Children and Youth Pastor for almost a decade, and now as a Family Entertainer, Worship Leader, Songwriter and Children's Communicator,  I have made plenty of mistakes, seen my share of funny incidents and gained a few insights along the way.  Believe me, I am honored that I will get to share a bit of all that with you each week.  And I hope that you will make this a two-way conversation by keeping in touch with me.  I would love to hear your ideas and thoughts on what you read.

So here's my prayer for you...  That through God's leading and through the fabulous resources here at Discover Worship, you would successfully build a children's ministry that is FULL of passionate young worshipers. 

Stay connected,

Dan Bursey