Discover Worship's Best of 2021

Discover Worships Best of 2021by Jaymey Hardin

The list below represents Discover Worship's Best of 2021. These Top 10 downloads are from the categories of Musicals, SATB Anthems, Praise & Worship, Kids, Instrumental, Duet, and Video. We hope you'll enjoy revisiting or perhaps discovering these amazing pieces of worship music for your church!  

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Together Again: A Cozy Family ChristmasCHRISTMAS MUSICAL (MEDIUM DIFFICULTY)
Together Again: A Cozy Family Christmas
Arranged by Karen England, Dennis Allen, Russell Mauldin, and more
This will be an evening to remember! Created for choirs and praise teams of any size, this 36-min musical will warm your heart. With touching narrations about togetherness, forgiveness, hope, and salvation–and an exclusive full length video, your congregation will love this cozy musical experience!

Sing We Now of Easter (simple)
Arranged by Kris Crunk, Dave Williamson, Russell Mauldin, and more
This concert of 5 majestic hymn medleys is designed for your SATB ensemble to lead your congregation in worship during your Easter service. Arranged by Dave Williamson, Russell Mauldin, and others, this 22-minute program is traditional to blended in style.


Jesus Saves! with Saved, SavedSATB (EASY)
Jesus Saves! with Saved, Saved
Jesus Saves! with Saved, Saved (w/ orch)

Arranged by Craig Adams
A contemporary arrangement of two beloved hymns, this hand-clapping medley is a spirited declaration of salvation that comes only through Jesus Christ.

Heaven Medley
Arranged by Kris Crunk
A cheerful, breezy stroll through three timeless songs about eternity, this simple medley is arranged with southern gospel flare for SATB choirs.

I Need Thee Every HourSATB (DIFFICULT)
I Need Thee Every Hour
Arranged by Luke Woodard
A hauntingly beautiful offering from the Christ Presbyterian Church Choir in Nashville, Tennessee, this piece was recorded by members in isolation and assembled into a unifying prayer of surrender and hope.


You Remain
Arranged by Tim Paul
Steadily building from contemplative to celebratory, "You Remain" is a power ballad that brings the worship team and choir together to extol the faithfulness and timelessness of God. Perfect for a blended worship service, with orchestration available to Unlimited Plus members.


Humble Yourselves Before the LordKIDS (EASY)
Humble Yourselves Before the Lord
Arranged by Dennis Allen
With lyrics pulled directly from scripture, this piece delivers a strong but simple message of grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Arranged for unison children's choir, it's equally suited to accompaniment by a small band, or simply a piano.


Blessed Assurance
Arranged by Christi Stills
Flowing and lively, while still reverent and thoughtful, this faithful interpretation of the cherished hymn is well-suited to reflective moments in any type of service. For the experienced pianist.


You Are the One I've Waited ForDUET (MEDIUM DIFFICULTY)
You Are the One I've Waited For
Arranged by Dino Ascari
This soulful duet is a celebration of two lives brought together in a Christ-centered marriage. Ideal for weddings and to accompany marriage-related messages and events.


Peaceful Moments: Spring
Arranged by Regi Stone, Jim Hammerly
Nature springs to life with the sound of worship in this gorgeous instrumental video collection. Featuring gentle piano arrangements by Regi Stone and Jim Hammerly paired with glorious nature-themed videos for "All Creatures of Our God and King," "I Surrender All," and "His Eye Is on the Sparrow."

Posted in: Hymns, Kids' Music, Musicals & Collections, Service Planning, Worship Teams, Video, Small Choirs, Instrumentals, SATB

Jaymey Hardin

Jaymey Hardin

Jaymey Hardin has been a noteworthy leader in the Contemporary Christian Music market for more than 20 years. Known for his work in marketing, product development, and A&R, he is also credited for his contributions as a videographer and musician. He is the son of a preacher man and has a heart for the church. He and his wife, Lindsay live in Franklin, TN, and are expecting their very first... dog.

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