Super Kids Worship for VBS!

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Summer is almost here and it's time to start planning for Vacation Bible School! Jesus said, "suffer the children to come unto me." Kids are precious in His sight. Jesus sees their hearts, He knows their needs, and He loves them more than they can imagine. The Bible says, "Raise up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old, they will not depart from it."

Childhood is an important and formative time–and it's a crucial time for us to invest in their lives and help pave the way for them.
Vacation Bible School is a special time in so many of our kids lives–and with all that's going on in the world right now, we need to pour into them like never before.

As Summer approaches, many churches will host VBS events with teachable moments and fun activities for the kids in their churches and communities. And Discover Worship offers an awesome variety of kids worship songs that teach a Biblical perspective and will help you to nurture a love in their hearts for the Lord. Take a few minutes to explore the following songs and consider them for your Vacation Bible School this year!

Get 3 of Our Best Kids Songs FREE:  Includes demos, piano and vocal charts, and much more!

I Wanna Be the One
Arranged by Gail Davis
A simple, memorable tune about being the light for others to come to Jesus...perfect for the unison kids choir!

God Is Near
Arranged by Dennis Allen
Arranged by Dennis Allen, this fun, pop unison piece for kids reminds us of the nearness of the Heavenly Father in every situation of our lives. We need not fear because God is near!

You Are Jesus (I Am Yours)
Arranged by Cheryl Rogers, Jeff Sandstrom
Arranged for children's choir, adult leader and optional women's ensemble, this infectious pop song is a powerful statement of surrender. Sure to be a hit with your kids!

I Stand Amazed In the PresenceCHILDREN'S (EASY)
I Stand Amazed In the Presence
Arranged by Dennis Allen
A rhythmic, 2-part vocal arrangement of the classic hymn works well for younger kids as well as older ensembles.

How Firm a FoundationCHILDREN'S (EASY)
How Firm a Foundation
Arranged by Dennis Allen
A driving, light rock arrangement of the classic hymn that works well for younger kids as well as older ensembles.

Old Testament Song
Arranged by Randall Goodgame
From the Slugs and Bugs "Sing the Bible" project comes this irrepressibly charming way for kids (and their folks!) to learn all the books of the Old Testament. A perfect addition to the children's Sunday School playlist.

God Is
Arranged by Jeremy Lyon
A simple folk song for leader and kids chorus that works for smaller kids--telling them that God is always there to keep us safe and free from fear.

Abraham's Faith
Arranged by Luke Woodard
Luke Woodard's song about Abraham teaches your kid's choir a memorable story of God's faithfulness.

Trustin' God
Arranged by Barney Robertson
Lots of electric guitars and drums amplify the message that we can be fearless when we trust in God. Listen closely and you might even hear a bit of that old hymn "Only Trust Him"! Mostly unison with harmony on chorus. Better for your youth choir and/or older kids.

Posted in: Blended Worship, Service Planning, Kids Worship

Jaymey Hardin

Jaymey Hardin

Jaymey Hardin has been a noteworthy leader in the Contemporary Christian Music market for more than 20 years. Known for his work in marketing, product development, and A&R, he is also credited for his contributions as a videographer and musician. He is the son of a preacher man and has a heart for the church. He and his wife, Lindsay live in Franklin, TN, and are expecting their very first... dog.

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