Taking it up for Lent (Part 1)

Taking it up for Lent - Part 1I'm writing this on the second day of Lent. It's pretty early in the morning, and I'm still thinking about the significance of last night's Ash Wednesday service at my church. Ash Wednesday involves that ancient observance where we're reminded that we're all dust, and where we encounter the frailty of our existence. It's the first step in beginning our journey of repentance that characterizes the season of Lent.

Those who observe Lent – or at least recognize it – have at one time or another considered what they might “give up for Lent.” That's a custom derived from substituting one practice or habit or luxury for a more meaningful, significant alternative. Ideally, whatever is “given up” is replaced by time, effort or thought focused on and devoted to God.

Recently, the question occurred to me: What would happen if, instead of giving something up for Lent, I took something up for Lent? I guess it's pretty much the same principle – substituting one activity or attitude for another – but it's got a more pro-active feel. Maybe it's just the way I'm wired, but I like this.

On the days when I feel pretty good about myself, I begin to think there's really not much more in my life I'd want to take up, take on, or even take away. In reality, though, there are plenty of thoughts, actions and attitudes that need replacing. Something needs to be taken up, but I'm going to have to let some stuff go in order to do that. St. Augustine said, “God wants to give us something, but cannot, because our hands are full – there's nowhere for Him to put it.”

I've thought about that a lot as it relates to my role as Worship Pastor in my church. In and ideal, perfect world (where everybody involved attends every rehearsal and worship service, loves every idea I come up with, never has a negative comment or attitude to share, and to top it off is musically brilliant), I probably wouldn't think about this so much. But I don't live in a perfect world. Neither do you. And in the interest of full disclosure, it was a stark wake up call to reality for me when I first discovered that those on the “receiving end” of my ministry didn't consider me to be all that perfect either! Alas, we are all frail dust.

So, I'm accepting the challenge to take up some things for Lent. It means I'm going to have to let some things go, but I think it'll be worth it...

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Posted in: Easter, Lent

Marty Parks

Marty Parks

Marty Parks is a composer, arranger, orchestrator and producer with over 900 songs and arrangements in print. His work is represented by major choral print publishers around the country. He is a frequent conference leader and workshop speaker whose first devotional book, Quiet Moments for Worship Leaders, came out of his own experience in reflecting on the word of God, and out of his passion to see the same developed in others. His work, as well as current projects, activities and appearances, can be found at martyparks.com.

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