One of the most important lessons I've ever learned came from my dad at a time of great loss and doubt in his life. Looking back now, I'm not sure he was trying to teach me anything deeply profound, but the lesson, was in fact, both deep and profound. I think in the midst of his sorrow, he was looking out for me and wanted to make sure that I knew everything was going to be alright. But the seeds he planted during that conversation from 30 years ago still bear fruit today.
My dad was going through an incredibly challenging season. It was like a perfect storm. All at once, he was navigating a sea of life changes, loss, loneliness, physical challenges, financial struggles, feelings of diminishment, self-doubt, and depression.
Going through so much, simultaneously, and with seemingly no end in sight, he began to wonder if he'd ever come out of it. He told me, "I feel like I don't have what it takes anymore. I feel lost at times and I feel like I'm not going to get through this." Pausing momentarily, he continued, "That's how I feel anyway. And those feelings seem very real to me right now. But I know in my heart that what I'm feeling isn't true."
He added, "I know that God is for me. I know that He's with me every step of the way. I know that I do have what it takes, and I have to remind myself that I will come through this. So, regardless of how I'm feeling right now, I need to realize that my feelings are just that... feelings. And I have to see beyond those feelings and know what is true."
With God's help, my dad rose above the storm and went on to help and inspire countless others. He has since gone home to be with the Lord, in fact, this week marks 20 years since he passed. But in his remaining years, he made an incredible impact on the lives of so many. Like the ripple effect of a stone cast into water, it continues to spread long after the initial impact. Likewise, my dad's life, ministry, and words resonate to this day.
With God's help, my dad rose above the storm and went on to help and inspire countless others. He has since gone home to be with the Lord, in fact, this week marks 20 years since he passed. But in his remaining years, he made an incredible impact on the lives of so many. Like the ripple effect of a stone cast into water, it continues to spread long after the initial impact. Likewise, my dad's life, ministry, and words resonate to this day.

I'm reminded of the Biblical account of the children of Israel crossing the Jordan. When you think about it, this is really a powerful message of hope. In Joshua 3, we read, "When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the Levitical priests carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it. Then you will know which way to go since you have never been this way before." I underscored that last part–I think we can all relate, given the events of this past year.
Do you remember this story? The children of Israel are encamped on a hill along the Jordan River. The ark of the covenant is positioned a thousand yards in front of them so all could see. As the priests carrying the ark approach the river, the picture is clear: God desired for His people to cross the river with Him! But in order for this to happen, they had to keep their eyes on Him and follow closely behind.
Do you remember this story? The children of Israel are encamped on a hill along the Jordan River. The ark of the covenant is positioned a thousand yards in front of them so all could see. As the priests carrying the ark approach the river, the picture is clear: God desired for His people to cross the river with Him! But in order for this to happen, they had to keep their eyes on Him and follow closely behind.
We are also His children and He desires that we go through whatever we're facing together with Him, that we fix our eyes on Him and follow in His footsteps. We needn't worry or try to get ahead of Him. He will go before us and make a way–and He'll see us safely to the other side.
When hope seems lost, it's not. Not really. Even when we feel that way, we have to set those feelings aside. Feelings are not facts. Feelings are fickle and they change. And feelings are not to be trusted! So, regardless of how we feel and regardless of how things seem, let's focus on what's true. Our hope isn't dependent on our circumstances, material things, the government, people, or money. Our hope is rooted in God alone. We know beyond our circumstances that God is for us, and whatever comes our way, He'll be right there with us.
Proverbs 13:12 says, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life." If you really feel like you're done in and don't have the strength to carry on... if you truly feel like you've lost hope, I challenge you to not let doubt or despair occupy the place in your heart where hope once lived. Invite God into those places, let Him restore your hope. Look up, set your eyes on the horizon, see beyond those feelings, and know what is true.
Your story isn't over, there's so much more to come. If your hope is just a flicker, let this fan the flame: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
Pause for a moment. Meditate on this. Be still... and breathe. With everything going on in the world right now and even though it may not seem like it at times, better days are ahead. But you know that.

Pause for a moment. Meditate on this. Be still... and breathe. With everything going on in the world right now and even though it may not seem like it at times, better days are ahead. But you know that.