Worthy Is the Lamb: Blended Easter Worship

Worthy Is the Lamb - Blended Easter Worship F 640x361
Easter is just around the corner and with that in mind, we've prepared a very special collection of blended worship anthems that will lift your spirits and fill your hearts with joy as we worship the risen Lord! Below, you'll find an inspiring array of melodies that celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the victory that He won for us on the cross.

These songs reflect the beauty and significance of His sacrifice, inviting you to join together in worship to the Lamb who was slain and now reigns victorious. Join us on a journey of worship and reflection as we lift our voices and our hearts to declare, "Worthy is the Lamb!"

Get 5 FREE Songs!  (with all the demos, tracks, charts, and more)

Forever We Worship the LambPRAISE & WORSHIP (EASY)
Forever We Worship the Lamb
Forever We Worship the Lamb (w/ lyric video)
Arranged by Chad Cates, Regi Stone
Regi Stone delivers a powerful and uplifting worship anthem that gives honor and glory to our living hope, Jesus Christ. Perfect for Easter and throughout the year, this will be a great new addition to your worship services. [Lyric video also available to Unlimited Plus Members]

Bless the Lamb3-PART (EASY)
Bless the Lamb
Arranged by Landy Maughon
Perfect for Easter or any celebration of our risen Lord, this modern hymn arranged for soloist & 3-part vocals is a beautiful affirmation of faith that moves us into a spirit of worship. Serves well in blended and contemporary worship settings.

Holy Is the Lamb
Arranged by Jeff Lippencott
Fusing Jewish melodies and pop music sensibilities, this uptempo SATB anthem celebrates God's provision of Jesus as the perfect sacrifice Lamb.

Come to the Lamb3-PART (EASY)
Come to the Lamb
Come to the Lamb (w/ lyric video)

Arranged by Barry Collecutt
With memorable lyrics and melody, "Come To the Lamb" is both easy-to-learn and very singable. Ideal for contemporary or blended services, this piece would work well with worship team or 3-part choir. (Lyric video accompaniment track available to Unlimited PLUS Members.)

Behold the Lamb
Arranged by Dave Williamson
Not your average song! A creative melody for the soloist in the verse and an extra 2/4 measure for the choir in the chorus keep you on your toes! A great medium groove for SATB choir or ensemble with a soloist in a blended or contemporary service.

The Precious Lamb
Arranged by Barry Collecutt
With a gentle country lilt, this lovely piece for 4-part choir or ensemble tells the Easter story from Gethsemane to Calvary. Serves well in contemporary settings and, for a stylistic change of pace in a traditional or blended service, try this song with a bluegrass/vocal ensemble.

The Lion Became a LambSATB (EASY)
The Lion Became a Lamb
The Lamb Became a Lamb (w/ orchestra)

Arranged by John Patrick
Arranged for soloist and simple SATB choir or ensemble, this upbeat inspirational anthem for blended and contemporary settings gives glory to our coming King. [Full Orchestration available to Unlimited PLUS Members]

Song for the Lamb
Arranged by Travis Cottrell
Travis Cottrell's stirring 4-part song of devotion to the Risen Lord blends with the traditional Hyfrodol melody to create a timeless worship anthem that works in blended and light contemporary worship settings at Easter or any time of year.

Posted in: Blended Worship, Easter, Service Planning, Choral Anthems

Jaymey Hardin

Jaymey Hardin

Jaymey Hardin has been a noteworthy leader in the Contemporary Christian Music market for more than 20 years. Known for his work in marketing, product development, and A&R, he is also credited for his contributions as a videographer and musician. He is the son of a preacher man and has a heart for the church. He and his wife, Lindsay live in Franklin, TN, and are expecting their very first... dog.

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