by John Chisum, Nashville Christian Songwriters
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John Chisum

John Chisum is the former Vice-President of Publishing for Star Song Media (Nashville) and the former Director of Song Development and Copyright for Integrity Media (Colorado Springs, CO), and is now Managing Partner for Nashville Christian Songwriters
Recent Posts
3 Ways to Cultivate Spirit-Led Worship
March 13, 2017
Transformational Worship Living
February 16, 2017
by John Chisum, Nashville Christian Songwriters
moreby John Chisum, Nashville Christian Songwriters (with apologies to Stephen R. Covey)
more7 Proven Strategies to Write Better Songs
April 18, 2016
by John Chisum, Nashville Christian Songwriters
I wish I could snap my fingers and make you a great.
moreThree Essential Tools For Your Songwriter's Tool-Kit!
March 28, 2016
by John Chisum,Nashville Christian Songwriters
Do you ever wonder how the "pros" write great songs.
more3 Things That Inspire and Energize Great Christian Songwriters
February 19, 2016
by John Chisum, Nashville Christian Songwriters Ever wonder how songwriters go from good to.