Looking FOURward: December

It's really a privilege to do what we do, isn't it? To proclaim an eternal message to a world that desperately needs to hear it, and to do that very thing with people we love. Let's not forget that in this busy, busy season.

Here are 4 priorities for December:

  1. Final rehearsals for Christmas should incorporate all who are involved. Everyone should, by this time, be “polishing” their part and confirming their cues.
  2. Promotion for your Christmas presentations should be in full swing. Take advantage of every printed, broadcast and social media avenue available to you.
  3. Consider using separate pieces from your musical, cantata or concert as anthems and service music for Sunday morning worship. Without being predictable, get as much mileage out of your preparations as you can.
  4. Take time to remind all involved of the ministry aspect of what they're doing. All the elements included should work together for a common cause. Offer a prayer of thanks for these people, and ask God to mightily use your ministry's efforts.

We need each other – for counsel, advice, support and encouragement. I'm grateful for those in my life that offer these very things. I suspect you are, too. As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)

Posted in: Looking FOURward, Organization

Marty Parks

Marty Parks

Marty Parks is a composer, arranger, orchestrator and producer with over 900 songs and arrangements in print. His work is represented by major choral print publishers around the country. He is a frequent conference leader and workshop speaker whose first devotional book, Quiet Moments for Worship Leaders, came out of his own experience in reflecting on the word of God, and out of his passion to see the same developed in others. His work, as well as current projects, activities and appearances, can be found at martyparks.com.

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