by John Chisum, Nashville Christian Songwriters Ever wonder how songwriters go from good to.
moreDiscover Worship Articles
3 Things That Inspire and Energize Great Christian Songwriters
February 19, 2016
5 Tips to Grow Your Church Choir
February 08, 2016
Will you join the choir? While I have been blessed with more faithful musicians than I can say.
moreThe Age of the Top 25 Worship Songs
February 01, 2016
And the answer is...
moreThe Both/And of Worship
January 25, 2016
As you might imagine, I read a lot of articles about worship. If you’re reading this, I imagine.
moreWhy I Sit in the Congregation Before and After I Lead in Worship
January 18, 2016
I’m a worship leader at a local Methodist church in Raleigh, NC. I’ve been part of this community.
moreThe Benediction
December 14, 2015
by Brian Rhea, originally appeared at the Worship Design Collective
moreYour New Year's Revolution!
December 07, 2015
As you and your worship leadership team approach the New Year, I would like to encourage you to do.
moreThe Bitter Sting of Envy
November 23, 2015
Here's a tough one. Who among us hasn't felt, at one time or another, the bitter sting of envy? Who.
moreLeading Worship through Song List Curation
November 16, 2015
by Adam Kurihara(originally posted at the Seedbed Worship Design Collective)
more12 Thanksgiving Scriptures
October 31, 2015
God’s Word is filled with more than 100 verses about thanksgiving and gratitude. Here are a dozen.