It’s Sunday morning, and rehearsal was supposed to begin at 8:00 am. Your electric guitar player.
moreDiscover Worship Articles
First, let’s make sure we’re on the same page about what a music publisher does.
moreLooking FOURward: May
There's nothing like the Church, is there? So many gifts to offer, so many stories to tell, so.
moreAddicted to Anxiety?
A quiet anxiety drives me.It’s that free-floating fear of failure or disappointing.
moreGreat Ministry Requires Digging In
In a related blog, I mentioned the alarmingly short tenure of the normal worship leader/choir.
moreLooking FOURward: April
Who knew? April is home to several obscure holidays and opportunities for awareness such as .
moreA Prayer In Preparation for Holy Week
Lord of Heaven, Most Utterly Other-- before the universe was, You were… and are--Father, Son and.
moreThe Art of Failing Forward
“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” -Scott Adams.
moreGreat Music AND Transformative Leadership
Here’s what the path of least resistance often looks like for some of us who lead worship.
moreHas Contemporary Worship Lost Its Way?
Written by Matthew Sigler at
The lights are dim, candles are lit, the music swells as.