Discover Worship: Robert, you're an interesting guy because a lot of arrangers I know either.
moreDiscover Worship Articles
An Interview with Writer/Arranger Robert Sterling (Part One)
September 23, 2018
Sing We Now of Christmas: A Festival of Carols
August 29, 2018
We set out to create an opportunity for your congregation to not only celebrate the season but.
12 Outstanding 3-Part Choir Hymn Arrangements
August 28, 2018
12 Blended Christmas Musicals Your Folks Will Love!
August 15, 2018
What exactly is a "blended" Christmas musical? Well, it's a means to celebrate the coming of Christ.
moreCome and Worship: A Contemporary Christmas Carol Sing-Along
August 13, 2018
If your congregation likes sing-along carols, you'll want to consider this option for our.
Christ Has Come: An Advent Celebration
August 07, 2018
There are few arrangers who combine artistry and accessibility like Phillip Keveren . Discover.
An Interview with Arranger Luke Woodard
August 06, 2018
Discover Worship: Hi! Welcome to Discover Worship! My name is Vince Wilcox, and I’m here with.
moreThe Essential Elements of Prayer
July 13, 2018
by Vince Wilcox
I've recently published a short, verse by verse devotional on The Lord's Prayer..
moreby Vince Wilcox
We’ve all heard the adage “Proper planning prevents poor performance.” There’s a.
moreThe Whole World Sings at Christmas
June 27, 2018
Welcome to this quick overview of our new and exclusive Kids Christmas musical, THE WHOLE WORLD.