Discover Worship Articles

20 Tips to Go from Boring to Soaring!

November 11, 2013

Keeping the ministry team motivated is one of the most important responsibilities of a leader. If.


The Path We Follow / The Trail We Leave

November 07, 2013

I was thinking this morning about some of the people who have had the strongest impact on my life.


Can You Help Me?

November 06, 2013

One of our goals as music ministry leaders should be to build team. While there are various ways to.


Juggling Between Your Church and Your Family

November 04, 2013

When it comes to balancing anything it's not always easy. 69% of people who have a checking account.


Scatter-shot Thoughts on Choir Rehearsal

November 04, 2013

1) Preparation: Organize yourself; write out your goals for this rehearsal; communicate these goals.


Pardon This Interruption

October 30, 2013

Last Friday I had my day all planned out. There was some important communication to get out to the.


How Big Is Your Worship Team?

October 28, 2013

Your worship team is probably bigger than you think. It's not just the choir, and praise team, and.


Let's Make A Deal

October 27, 2013

A fictional television program showed a man praying. He said, “God, I know you don’t make deals.


"I Miss You" - God

October 25, 2013

Raising four kids has its rewards. It also has its challenges. And I don't mean just being sure.


Get As Close As You Can

October 22, 2013

We were stuck. All 6 of us. Me, my wife and all 4 children. Stuck in LaGuardia airport at 4:30.


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