It is always exciting to see God’s people gather to learn more about the ministry of music. It was.
moreDiscover Worship Articles
Growing In Grace
August 19, 2013
Created For Worship
August 16, 2013
Have you ever asked the question "What on earth am I here for?" I get the impression, through.
moreWorship Redefined?
August 15, 2013
Search for “worship” on Amazon and you’ll get a list of more than 44,000 books. I suspect a.
moreYour Attention, Please
August 14, 2013
It began like a lot of Sundays begin – anticipation about worshiping God with those in my.
moreNever Give Up
August 13, 2013
Are you ever so weary you simply feel like giving up? This feeling might be caused by stress, loss.
moreIn The Beginning
August 06, 2013
In my concerts, I sometimes tell kids that they can ask me 5 questions and I promise that I will.
moreEffective Rehearsal
August 02, 2013
Worship services on a Sunday morning take planning, programming and preparation that takes some.
moreI Stand Amazed
July 18, 2013
I simply cannot comprehend standing in the physical presence of God. Certainly we experience the.