We all have different preferences when it comes to music, and many factors influence those.
moreDiscover Worship Articles
Blended Easter Musicals with a Timeless Easter Message
Easter: The Power of Redemption
Welcome to this short preview of Easter: The Power of Redemption. This new and exclusive.
moreThe First Easter
Welcome to this brief overview of Discover Worship’s exclusive Easter musical, The First.
moreI Will Sing Praise: Songs of Trust
God promises that we will face troubles in this life, but He also promises to walk by our side.
moreLast-Minute Christmas Solos & Duets
Whether you're looking for easy last-minute music ideas or you're searching for that special song.
moreLast-Minute Medleys That Tell the Story of Christmas
Time is of the essence as we get closer and closer to Christmas, and simplicity and ease in music.
moreLast-Minute Choral Christmas Favorites
In this special last-minute Christmas music feature, we wanted to take the opportunity to.
moreChristmas '23: New Music Mixtape
With Christmas rapidly approaching, we thought this would be a good time for a quick rewind and.
moreHoly Is the Lord: Christmas Songs of Worship & Adoration
In this special feature, we've put together an incredible selection of Christmas songs that focus.
moreO Come, O Come, Emmanuel: Peaceful Carols for Christmas
The singing of carols reminds us that God, in His love for us, sent His son to become one of us..