We recently highlighted a number of Modern Worship Hymns with the theme of "Our Song Will Rise to.
moreDiscover Worship Articles
Modern Worship Hymns: Holy, Holy, Holy
Modern Worship Hymns: Our Song Will Rise to Thee
Join us as we explore this incredible selection of Modern Worship Hymns: Our Song Will Rise to.
moreShort and Easy-to-Learn Musicals for Christmas!
Have you ever considered putting on a Christmas musical for your church, but you're concerned about.
moreFun & Easy Christmas Musicals for Kids!
Bundle up and join us for a quick sleigh-ride through this list of Fun & Easy Christmas Musicals.
moreWelcome to this short preview of Discover Worship’s exclusive new musical, Prepare Him Room: A.
moreThe Promise of Christmas (Musical Preview)
Welcome to this quick overview of our new and exclusive Christmas work, The Promise of.
moreLift Up Your Voice: Contemporary Worship Anthems
Something powerful happens when we lift our voices in worship. When we lift our hearts to the Lord.
moreIn Jesus' Name: Songs of Freedom
We all face times of doubt, stress, and even fear when it comes to our families, our health, our.
moreBe Still and Know: Songs of Trust
Sometimes when we're in the midst of a struggle or facing trials in our lives, it's easy to give in.
moreAll to Thee: Songs of Surrender
In this feature, you'll discover a handful of beautiful songs that focus on the theme of surrender.