Discover Worship Articles

Is It Too Loud? (Accompaniment Vs. Immersion Culture)

August 11, 2014

by Dan Wilt


10 Things Jack Bauer Taught Me about Church Programming

May 05, 2014

By Shaun Junggren


4 Ways to Bring the Word into Worship

February 20, 2014

I have a pastor friend who said on one occasion as he stood to preach: “The Word of God is the most.


So, What's Your Story?

December 16, 2013

Imagine that a visitor entered your sanctuary or worship center next Sunday morning. This visitor.


What If?

November 25, 2013

What if, just for this Sunday, when we entered our place of worship, we didn't sing to try to.


"Good" Worship?

September 05, 2013

“The worship was so good today!” This is a phrase I hear a lot after church. I’m not the worship.


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