Discover Worship Articles
Crown Him with Many Crowns: an Easter Suite with Brass
January 16, 2018
The King of Glory Lives: A Gospel-Flavored Easter Mini-Musical
January 15, 2018
Welcome to this brief overview of Discover Worship’s exclusive Easter work, "THE KING OF.
moreLamb of Calvary: An Easter Celebration
December 26, 2017
Start Planning Next Year's Easter Choir Musicals... Today!
April 16, 2017
Chances are, you’re ready to take a break from thinking about Easter music.
moreThe Difference Between Easter and Christmas
March 26, 2017
As we prepare our hearts for worship during Passion Week, may we consider the profound differences.
moreA Prayer In Preparation for Holy Week
March 30, 2015
Lord of Heaven, Most Utterly Other-- before the universe was, You were… and are--Father, Son and.
moreWounded Healer
February 06, 2014
I've seen and heard the term a lot lately. Generally, it's been used in referring to therapeutic.