Discover Worship Articles

Effective Rehearsal

August 02, 2013

Worship services on a Sunday morning take planning, programming and preparation that takes some.


Be Still

July 22, 2013

My last few days have been travel-heavy, to the point at times I had to think about what city I was.


I Stand Amazed

July 18, 2013

I simply cannot comprehend standing in the physical presence of God. Certainly we experience the.



July 09, 2013

We gathered with a group of church friends last week to watch fireworks. What started out as a.


What A Fellowship

July 02, 2013

It is a privilege for me to be the orchestra director for my church. The ensemble is made up of a.


Valley of the Shadow of Death

June 25, 2013

It’s pretty easy to be happy and rejoice on the mountaintop. We see all around us and have a.


Key Ingredients for a Better Rehearsal

March 12, 2013

A great place to start is by Organization. Being well organized is vital to a healthy and happy.


God Sings

February 26, 2013

Can you imagine hearing God sing over you? Can you picture Him rejoicing over you? What must that.


The Practice Of Worship

February 19, 2013

“… true worshipers will worship in spirit (willingness and passion) and in truth (according to.


The Priority Of Worship

February 12, 2013

Jesus says that the Father is seeking true worshipers. What a compelling word! So much is said.


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