Discover Worship Articles

Holy Rain

January 29, 2013

Growing up in the South, we always referred to a slow rain as a sprinkling. Others called it a mist.


92% or 8%?

January 22, 2013

Have you made any resolutions for this year? Millions of people write down plans every January.


Get Your Armor On

January 15, 2013

Bottom line: The enemy is after your soul. Scary? It’s just truth. He seeks to destroy all that is.


The Size of Our God and the Size of Our Worship

November 13, 2012

Our worship will only be as expansive as our concept of God. If God’s all-encompassing greatness is.


I Don't Go To Church TO Worship.

November 06, 2012

"I go to church to worship" is a statement most of us have said or would agree with. However, when.


Sacrifice Series Pt. 3: The Sacrifice of Praise

October 16, 2012

Praise comes naturally out of a heart that has been forgiven. Lament flows naturally out of a heart.


Sacrifice Series Pt. 2: Worship and Sacrifice Are Inseparable

October 09, 2012

In the Old Testament, sacrifice and worship were inseparable terms. Worship was sacrifice. Worship.


Sacrifice Series Pt. 1: The Heart of Worship Is Sacrifice

October 02, 2012

Worship is such a hot topic today.


Worship Focus

September 25, 2012

Recently, at 38,000 feet comfortably seated in 15D, a thought crossed my mind. Am I any closer to.


Fighting The Status Quo

September 11, 2012

Are you in a rut?


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