"I go to church to worship" is a statement most of us have said or would agree with. However, when.
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I Don't Go To Church TO Worship.
November 06, 2012
Sacrifice Series Pt. 3: The Sacrifice of Praise
October 16, 2012
Praise comes naturally out of a heart that has been forgiven. Lament flows naturally out of a heart.
moreSacrifice Series Pt. 2: Worship and Sacrifice Are Inseparable
October 09, 2012
In the Old Testament, sacrifice and worship were inseparable terms. Worship was sacrifice. Worship.
moreSacrifice Series Pt. 1: The Heart of Worship Is Sacrifice
October 02, 2012
Worship is such a hot topic today.
moreWorship Focus
September 25, 2012
Recently, at 38,000 feet comfortably seated in 15D, a thought crossed my mind. Am I any closer to.
moreFighting The Status Quo
September 11, 2012
Are you in a rut?
morePrayer Rehearsal
September 04, 2012
I love talking about music. Each Tuesday your weekly update is full of new music and carefully.