As we prepare for Easter, it's so important to include our children and involve them in the.
moreDiscover Worship Articles
Easter Hymns & Songs for Kids!
Christmas Musicals for Kids of All Ages!
Join us as we explore this incredible collection of Christmas Musicals for Kids of All Ages! As.
moreHoly Is the Lord: Christmas Songs of Worship & Adoration
In this special feature, we've put together an incredible selection of Christmas songs that focus.
moreO Come, O Come, Emmanuel: Peaceful Carols for Christmas
The singing of carols reminds us that God, in His love for us, sent His son to become one of us..
moreFun & Easy Christmas Musicals for Kids!
Bundle up and join us for a quick sleigh-ride through this list of Fun & Easy Christmas Musicals.
moreSuper Kids Worship for Summer and Beyond!
Summer is just around the corner and many churches are planning for Vacation Bible School. VBS is.
more10 Excellent (& Easy) Kids Songs for Easter
Easter is such a special time, and it wouldn't be the same without the joy kids bring and hearing.
more10 Excellent (& Easy) Kids Songs for Christmas!
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, and it wouldn't be the same without the joy kids.
more15 Super-Fun Kids Songs for Summer!
by Jaymey HardinSummer's on its way and that means Vacation Bible School is just around the corner!.
moreDiscover Worship's Best of 2021
by Jaymey HardinThe list below represents Discover Worship's Best of 2021. These Top 10 downloads.